Monday, October 27, 2014

Fall Roofing Maintenance

Roofing inspections done twice a year can save homeowners a ton of money in the long run.  Preventative roofing maintenance can prevent homeowners from having to make costly repairs down the road.  Not only are exterior roof inspections important to maintain your roof it is important to safeguard against all leaks throughout the winter season.
When your roof leaks damage to the interior and exterior of your home can be quite extensive. Water that puddles up underneath your homes shingles can cause the underlayment to fail or warp.  Also, water and moisture that leaks into the home can cause issues with mold and alga growth in the attic and behind drywall.  When a leak occurs and damage is done to the interior of the home it is possible that everything down to the floor could need to be replaced.
In order to prevent this from occurring it is crucial that you maintain your roof.  Keep the following tips in mind when preparing your home for the winter.
Inspect your homes interior and exterior roof area.  It is important to do this twice a year during the fall and spring seasons.  Inspecting the roof on a rainy day can be helpful especially when you are doing it yourself.  This will enable you to see leaks as they are occurring.  If it is possible hire a roofing contractor to conduct the roof inspection.  They will know exactly what they are looking for.  If you choose to take this task on yourself here are some tell-tale signs that you are experiencing a leak in your roof.
Check the joints, seams and vents for mold or mildew.  It is also important to look at the wooden beams within the attic to see if any warped wood is present.  The last thing to look for in the attic is any presence of stained insulation.  If moisture has been prevalent in your attic it may not appear to the naked eye, you will need to know what you are looking for.  An obvious sign is water dripping in from the insulation, wood or vent areas after a rain has occurred.
If you find a potential leak, it is time to call in the roofing professionals.  They will advise on a plan of action to prevent any further leaks and to clean up the damage that has occurred from the original leak.  It is so important to find and stop leaks from occurring.  Leaks left untouched can cause bigger issues throughout the winter.
Ice dams are another issue that can occur during the winter season that are easy to prevent.  In order to keep ice dams from occurring it is important that your roof has adequate ventilation.  This allows the attic temperature to remain the same temperature as the exterior temperature.  Maintaining a constant temperature keeps the gables, soffits & roof ridges the same temperature as both the attic and outside temperature.
Proper care of your roof with help to increase its longevity.  With the cost of a new roof being well over a few thousand dollars it is crucial to expand the life expectancy of your roof with proper seasonal care.
Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at today.

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