Monday, August 20, 2012

Ideas In Roofing Material When Replacing Your Homes Roof

It is time to replace your roof.  You have been dreading it which led to putting it off and now there is no denying that the roof needs to be replaced.  It is time to make some key choices in regards to the new roof.  Homeowners need to consider the type of material to use for the new roof, commonly shingles or metal roofs here in the North. They also will need to check into the style, color and cost of the new roof they are looking to install.  If the homeowners are on a limited budget the choices become a bit clearer than those that can choose based on likes not costs.

The first and most commonly used roofing material for homes in the North is composite asphalt shingles.  Although asphalt shingles have very low insulation value and perhaps a shorter lifespan then other material they remain a favorite because they offer a low cost alternative, they are easy to install and are incredible resilient with the changing seasons. You can find shingles in a variety of colors, longevity options and price points. Although shingles are always the most cost effective way to go in roofing one thing to consider is environmentally they are the worst option.

Another common material is metal.  You can choose from a steel roof, aluminum roofing, metal tile roof or copper.  Metals roofs usually come from recycled content so are the most environmentally friendly option in roofing.  It offers a high insulation value and is solar reluctant, durable and lasts twice as long as asphalt shingle roof.  Another bonus with metal roofing is that it is lighter than most roofing options and resistant to a variety of seasons.  The one drawback is that metal roofing material tends to be pricier than other options.

Wood shingles and shakes are another option available in roofing materials.  They are offered in cedar, southern pine and redwood.  Wood shingles are cut from a machine where as shakes are handmade and have a more rustic rough look. The drawbacks with wood shingles are that they are not a good material against fire or water damage.  The natural material is environmentally friendly however not good against mold and dry rot. You will find the maintenance for this type of roof is high. 

For a more durable option with the same look as wood shingles opt for a rubber or plastic shake shingle.  These are made to resemble the style of the shakes shingle however offer more durability against the natural elements.

Choosing a material for your new roof should not be taken lightly.  Homeowners are often quick to settle for the exact same roof that was on the house to begin with which is not necessarily the best fit for their family.  Most of the time homeowners are looking for a maintenance free way to maintain their roof, one less thing to be concerned with.  Metal and shingle roofing materials offer this to homeowners.  However if maintenance is not a concern wood shakes and shingles offer a stylish way to set your home apart from the neighbors.  As with any decision around the house you need to consider your personal preferences along with the look of your home. 

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